Concierge Medicine is a form of membership in a physician’s practice in which the physician provides medical care with 24/7 access, a cell phone number to connect directly with their physician, same-day appointments, home visits, and appointments that last as long as it takes to address the patient’s needs. Concierge practices are generally small and allow the physician to spend unlimited time individualizing and customizing evaluation and treatment plans.
Cedalion Health is a concierge medical practice located in Boulder, CO. Concierge medicine is provided by Dr. Todd A. Dorfman. At our practice you can expect all of the benefits of a concierge medical office with an elevated experience. The Executive Health Membership Program is our premier concierge health care offering at Cedalion Health. Our most comprehensive level of care and physician accessibility is designed for those who seek nothing less than the best.
The Executive Health Program is total and all-encompassing health care for both pre-existing and preventive medicine strategies. Whether you are suffering from an acute medical issue, a problem that to date remains unsolved, a family history of worrisome medical concerns, or you desire a customized preventative strategy moving forward, an Executive Health Membership is the ultimate answer to VIP care.
If this sounds like a fit for you, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Todd A. Dorfman, use the form below to contact our office or request an appointment. We hope to see you in our office soon.